Today, I found this amazing site for Fortran tutorials -
I went through the tutorials which was organized in a very neat way. Then I proceeded to implement the following simple code.
Make a tridiagonal matrix with 1 on diagonal and 0 or on off-diagonal with an arbitrary $n$.Today had been two part work. Initially, I did some Data Structures lessons from Udacity course. Then, at night, I tried to implement the Single objective optimisation method called fibonacci method using Fortran. There is some mistake that I need to correct. I will share the updated code tmw.Today I was able to cover a lot of stuff - mainly the exercises and some Gnuplot basics.
I’ve already made a blog post on the first exercise I worked on - Generate Logistic Map in Fortran. It was fun. Also, later I took a look at the solution available at the mooc’s repository.I had been following the MOOC “Scientific Computing with Fortran” for a week and currently doing the exercises. This is one of the assignments which has piqued my interests - Logistic map. Here’s a neat animation from Wikimedia for the same.
As Wikipedia states it, “The logistic map is a polynomial mapping (equivalently, recurrence relation) of degree 2, often cited as an archetypal example of how complex, chaotic behaviour can arise from very simple non-linear dynamical equations”.Today, I was introduced to I/O in Fortran. Its a little complex for seemingly simple task. But, its good to have all the bells and whistles known upfront. Here is a sample program on input output.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 program inputoutput use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : sp=>real32, dp=>real64, error_unit, input_unit implicit none integer :: unit_nr, istat integer :: a, b character(len=1024) :: msg !Today I had learnt about the procedures and intrinsic procedures in Fortran. Basically, a procedure can be of two types
function subroutine Functions The functions are procedures which return a value which can either be
Given the same name as function name in which case the syntax will be.Today I had continued with Fortran for Scientific Computing and learned about
Character datatype Logical datatype and operators Conditional Statements Character Datatypes The character dataypes are declared as either a single character or as an array of particular length.
1 2 character :: c character(len=5) :: str Two main points about strings are that,This is my first day in the 100 Days of Code challenge. Today, I had started with the “Fortran for Scientific Computing” course in Future Learn. It had been a great start.
I had learnt about the precision available in fortran for various number data types.In this post, we will look at a way of approximating deflection function of beams using Rayleigh Ritz method. I had been recently watching this (click here for youtube link) lecture series by Clayton Pettit which had been a very useful introduction to finite element methods.I use the dark mode plugin for firefox so that there’s less eye strain at night times. But, since the new UI change of firefox, there’s flash of white light before the dark mode kicks in, even when the firefox theme is set to dark.