Instagram now lets Anyone Tag You

Do you remember the feature that boosted the growth of Facebook in its early days? It is nothing but the tagging people feature. So, today Instagram launches photo tagging, the feature that fueled Facebook’s early growth. New Instagram iOS and Android updates rolling out now let you tag any person or brand in your own photos, which then automatically show up in the “Photos Of You” section of their profile.

You get notified when you when you’re tagged, can require approvals before photos hit your profile, and have the option to detag yourself or you can set for automatic approval too. When you go to upload a photo, you’ll get the option to tap on people or brands they show. You can then search for their name and tag them. Instagram also lets you go back and add tags to your old photos. You can tag anyone, not just people you follow, who follow you, or are your Facebook friends, but you can only add tags to your own photos, not anyone else’s. Facebook sees the uploader as the story-teller.

Here is a video showing how this works.

With these changes, Instagram now no longer remains as a Photo Album.. It becomes your photo life.

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